
The purpose of this paper is to present the context in which the little known text of Pedro José Bermúdez de la Torre was written and in it to review the ideas of the Creole elite in the dedication to the Count of Monclova of the narrative poem Telémaco en la isla de Calipso (Telémaco) [...]


The article approaches the epic poems that sang the process of conquest of Chile in the 16th century and, especially, the Arauco War. These works offer a representation that although it exalted the natives as heroes in battle, portrayed them also as barbarians, complex configuration [...]


El peregrino indiano by Antonio de Saavedra Guzmán incorporates new substances into the magic spell. In addition to La Araucana, there are ingredients that come from other discursive traditions: the Renaissance treatises of natural history, the Bible, bestiaries, emblematic literature, [...]


Epic poetry has always been considered a masculine genre. The eruption of a group identity, masculine, white, aristocratic and christian, is the result of the representation and the exclusion of the Other, fictitious and singular, but in fact composed of a variety of ethnic groups, [...]