
The judeoconverso community in Portugal increased its influence and wealth during the sixteenth century to such an extent that the Count Duke of Olivares conceded them access to the kingdom. Olivares, favourite of Philip IV, made this controversial decision as one of the efforts to [...]


This paper analyzes the inquisitorial prohibition of Lope de Vega’s The fianza satisfecha at the end of the eighteenth century. Criticism has judged very negatively this comedia, whose authorship is uncertain. The fianza satisfecha was denounced to the Inquisition (Logroño, 1781; [...]


Academias morales de las musas (1642) by Antonio Enríquez Gómez is one of those miscellaneous works that make use of academia’s narrative artifice in order to compile poems, plays and other loose works. They are articulated upon the concurrence of several interlocutors who expound [...]