
Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla was one of the poets most favoured by the Court, even more than Calderón de la Barca. That royal favour gave him a creative freedom that lead to experiment with new methods, genres and motifs. That was the case of Persiles and Sigismunda, not only a mere [...]


Este artículo describe un tópico que aparece con cierta insistencia en las obras del ciclo de senectute de Lope: la sátira contra los malos vecinos. En primer lugar, describiremos la fórmula y mostraremos cómo se presenta por vez primera en una comedia urbana (Quien ama no haga [...]


Un muestrario significativo de las dramatizaciones del desafío en las comedias de Lope de Vega pone de relieve, desde el «mentís» inicial hasta el desafío truncado y el duelo a muerte, la diversidad de sus repercusiones en la construcción del enredo, y por lo tanto la variable [...]


Reseña de Vega, Lope de Arte nuevo de hacer comedias: Edición crítica. Fuentes y ecos latinos, edición crítica y anotada de Felipe B. Pedraza Jiménez, Fuentes y ecos latinos: Pedro Conde Parrado, Cuenca, Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2016, 978 pp. ISBN: [...]


A meaningful sample of the short allusions to the myth of Troy in the plays of Lope de Vega enable one to part into relief how numerous they are and the part they play in the dramatist’s writing both an ornamental and sometimes a functional point of view.


This article aims to describe and characterize space in Lope de Vega’s biblical play La hermosa Ester (1610). With the exception of two comic interludes found respectively in cuadros E and H and set in a hamlet near to the Persian capital, the remaining 11 cuadros are set in the [...]


reassessed taking into consideration anthropological, civil, legal, lexical, moral, philosophical, theological and psychological aspects. An application of this refurbished concept follows, wherein the idea of honor as a social concept and as a moral attribute clash in three villein [...]


This paper analyzes the inquisitorial prohibition of Lope de Vega’s The fianza satisfecha at the end of the eighteenth century. Criticism has judged very negatively this comedia, whose authorship is uncertain. The fianza satisfecha was denounced to the Inquisition (Logroño, 1781; [...]


This comedia by Lope de Vega has received few criticism until now. Most of the studies about this play deal with its date: 1613 is commonly accepted as the year of composition. This article tackles this problem and defends the year 1608 by establishing the connection between the comedia [...]


The parable of the prodigal son is circumscribed as a predominant theme for the authors of the Spanish Golden Age to develop the plot of some of his autos sacramentales. However, among all these playwrights, the figure of Alonso Remón and his piece have been largely ignored. This [...]