
This paper offers an approach to the main features and conventions of the burlesque comedy of the Spanish Golden Age, a corpus formed by about fifty parodic plays that were performed during Carnival and on St. John’s Day as part of the court festivals celebrated in the Royal Palace [...]


Little has been written on La escuela de Celestina y el hidalgo presumido (1620), one of the few comedies penned by Alonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo. In this essay I read this piece as part of a tradition of parodies of the famous academic exercises known as gallos and vejámenes, [...]


El «teatro breve», en general, y el «entremés», en particular, cuentan ya con una más que considerable bibliografía. Sin embargo, la crítica ha dedicado poca atención a los «autores de comedias» o actores que ejercieron también de dramaturgos. Entre ellos se encuentra [...]