
Las figuraciones de etnias minoritarias marginalizadas han sido una presencia constante en el teatro portugués del siglo XVI. Se analizan casos concretos que muestran como el teatro estrecha las márgenes, integrando en el universo ficcional la realidad cotidiana.


Fueron varias las revueltas, motines y conspiraciones que tuvieron un especial protagonismo en la monarquía hispánica durante el siglo XVII, sobre todo las de Cataluña, Portugal, Nápoles o Mesina, entre otras. Habitualmente, la historiografía se ha detenido en el análisis de [...]


The Portuguese reality is part of the thematic heritage of the Spanish Golden Age theatre which highlights from the Lusitanian their courage at war and their excess in passion. Literary interactions took place in two senses: the Lusitanian tradition was treated in Spanish pieces, [...]


Throughout his works, Bartolomé Jiménez Patón mentions Portugal and some of its writers on a number of occasions. In the books that have been recovered of his Comentarios de erudición (1621), he cites authors such as Fernando López de Castañeda or Joao de Barros, who are associated [...]


«Portuguese matter» is a subject that inspired a large amount of plays of the Spanish Golden Age. This is especially the case in the period of the dual monarchy, in which the outstanding episodes in the history of Portugal and their main protagonists are dealt, in general, from [...]


The canonization of the founder of a Catholic religious order constitutes a milestone in the affirmation of authority by that order. As concerns to the Society of Jesus, it was a double canonization. Such an uncommon fact as this, clearly both demonstrates the power the Society had [...]