
In the 16th century, Europe witnesses the triumph of the pre-capitalist economy, personified by the merchant. This new situation brought the rejection of the humanists, who wrote about the society’s decadence of values and the destruction of social status. Ruiz de Alarcón wrote [...]


As indicated at the beginning of this paper, it deals with a small number of unpublished plays by a late 16th - early 17th century writer. Apart from incorporating his production to the history of drama, I try to lay emphasis on the fact that he, being an amateur playwright, was responsible [...]


This paper studies José de Valdivieso’s En los mayores peligros se conoce la amistad (Friendship is best acknowledged when in danger) one of the five autos sacramentales (Eucharistic morality plays) staged at the Corpus Christi feast in Seville, in 1619, by Diego de Vallejo. It [...]