
Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla was one of the poets most favoured by the Court, even more than Calderón de la Barca. That royal favour gave him a creative freedom that lead to experiment with new methods, genres and motifs. That was the case of Persiles and Sigismunda, not only a mere [...]


his article analyzes the dénouement of Calderon’s No hay cosa como callar, with the aim of showing the tragic quality of the work, which destroys the possibility of the central character being happy, as she has been raped by a cynical and abusive gentleman.


In many Calderón’s tragic plays, a room or a hall can turn into a space of violence, if locked or opened against the will of the character (mostly a woman) who lives in it. That is what we can observe in La gran Cenobia, El médico de su honra, El pintor de su deshonra, El mayor [...]


Tragedy was born in Greece and was subsequently claimed and defended in Europe during the Renaissance and Baroque but, this being a gender as orthodox as changeable, it will be necessary to resort to a new reading of its components in order to adapt them to the reality of the Golden [...]


This article analyzes the function of Hernán Cortés’ tears in the Historia verdadera by Bernal Díaz del Castillo. Some critics have read Cortés’ weeping as a sign of weakness. Actually, the tears of the hero are a manifestation that links the figure of the conqueror —and [...]


Prior to his rebellion against the Spanish Crown in 1544, Gonzalo Pizarro (Francisco’s younger brother) accomplished the Conquest of Charcas (present-day northwestern Bolivia), survived the siege of Cuzco by Manco Inca and attempted the failed exploration of the mythical «Land [...]