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{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle H_{0,\omega }^{1,2m}(Q):=\lbrace u\in H_{\omega }^{1,2m}(Q):\partial _{x_j}^ku\vert _{\partial Q\setminus \varsupsetneq \Gamma _T}=0\mbox{,  }k=0\\\displaystyle \ldots ,m-1;j=1,2\rbrace \mbox{,}\end{array}</math>
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle H_{0,\omega }^{1,2m}(Q):=\lbrace u\in H_{\omega }^{1,2m}(Q):\partial _{x_j}^ku\vert _{\partial Q\setminus \varsupsetneq \Gamma _T}=0\mbox{,  }k=0\\\displaystyle \ldots,m-1;j=1,2\rbrace \mbox{,}\end{array}</math>
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{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \Vert \partial _{x_j}^lu\Vert _{L^2(\Omega _t)}^2\leq C\varphi ^{2(2m-l)}(t)\Vert Au\Vert _{L^2(\Omega _t)}^2\mbox{,}\quad l=0,1\\\displaystyle \ldots ,2m-1;j=1,2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \Vert \partial _{x_j}^lu\Vert _{L^2(\Omega _t)}^2\leq C\varphi ^{2(2m-l)}(t)\Vert Au\Vert _{L^2(\Omega _t)}^2\mbox{,}\quad l=0,1\\\displaystyle \ldots,2m-1;j=1,2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
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{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \partial _t\partial _{x_1}^ku_n=-\varphi ^{'}(t)[cos\theta .\partial _{x_1}^{k+1}u_n+\\\displaystyle +sin\theta .\partial _{x_2}\partial _{x_1}^ku_n]\mbox{,}k=1,\ldots ,m-2\end{array}</math>
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \partial _t\partial _{x_1}^ku_n=-\varphi ^{'}(t)[cos\theta .\partial _{x_1}^{k+1}u_n+\\\displaystyle +sin\theta .\partial _{x_2}\partial _{x_1}^ku_n]\mbox{,}k=1,\ldots,m-2\end{array}</math>
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{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \partial _t\partial _{x_2}^ku_n=-\varphi ^{'}(t)[cos\theta .\partial _{x_1}\partial _{x_2}^ku_n+\\\displaystyle +sin\theta .\partial _{x_2}^{k+1}u_n]\mbox{,}k=1,\ldots ,m-2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \partial _t\partial _{x_2}^ku_n=-\varphi ^{'}(t)[cos\theta .\partial _{x_1}\partial _{x_2}^ku_n+\\\displaystyle +sin\theta .\partial _{x_2}^{k+1}u_n]\mbox{,}k=1,\ldots,m-2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
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{| style="text-align: center; margin:auto;"  
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \Vert \partial _{x_j}^lu_n\Vert _{L_\omega ^2(Q_n)}^2\leq C^{'}\Vert Au_n\Vert _{L_\omega ^2(Q_n)}^2\mbox{,}\quad l=0,1,\ldots \\\displaystyle 2m-1;j=1,2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
| <math>\begin{array}{l}\displaystyle \Vert \partial _{x_j}^lu_n\Vert _{L_\omega ^2(Q_n)}^2\leq C^{'}\Vert Au_n\Vert _{L_\omega ^2(Q_n)}^2\mbox{,}\quad l=0,1,\ldots\\\displaystyle 2m-1;j=1,2\mbox{.}\end{array}</math>
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Latest revision as of 14:40, 7 October 2016


New results on the existence, uniqueness and maximal regularity of a solution are given for a two-space dimensional high-order parabolic equation set in conical time-dependent domains. The study is performed in the framework of anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces. Our method is based on the technique of decomposition of domains.


High-order parabolic equations; Conical domains; Anisotropic weighted Sobolev spaces

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification

35K05; 35K55

1. Introduction

Let be an open set of defined by

where is a finite positive number and for a fixed in the interval , is a bounded domain of defined by

Here is a continuous real-valued function defined on , Lipschitz continuous on and such that

for every . We assume that


In , consider the boundary value problem


where , is the boundary of and is the part of the boundary of where . Here, is the space of square-integrable functions on with the measure , where the weight is a real-valued function defined on , differentiable on , such that


The difficulty related to this kind of problems comes from the fact that the domain considered here is nonstandard since it shrinks at , which prevents the domain to be transformed into a regular domain without the appearance of some degenerate terms in the parabolic equation, see for example Sadallah  [15].

In this work, we will prove that Problem (1.3) has a solution with optimal regularity, that is a solution belonging to the anisotropic weighted Sobolev space



The space is equipped with the natural norm, that is

Remark 1.1.

The boundary conditions of Problem (1.3) are equivalent to

where stands for the normal derivative. This equivalence can be proved, for instance, by induction. So Problem (1.3) is also equivalent to


Observe that the number of the boundary conditions in (1.3) is , but they are not independent, while in (1.6), there are independent boundary conditions.

Our main result is

Theorem 1.1.

Let us assume that  satisfies condition   (1.1)   and the weight function  verifies assumptions    and . Then, the  -th order parabolic operator

is an isomorphism from  into  if one of the following conditions is satisfied

(1)  is an increasing function in a neighborhood of 0,

(2)  verifies the condition   (1.2).

The case corresponding to a second-order parabolic equation is studied in  [16] and  [9] both in bi-dimensional and multidimensional cases. We can find in Sadallah [15] a study of such kind of problems in the case of one space variable. Further references on the analysis of higher-order parabolic problems in non-cylindrical domains are: Baderko [1] and [2], Cherepova  [4] and [5], Labbas and Sadallah  [10], Galaktionov [6], Mikhailov  [13] and [14] and Kheloufi  [8].

The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section  2, first we prove a uniqueness result for Problem (1.3), then we derive some technical lemmas which will allow us to prove an energy type estimate (in a sense to be defined later). In Section  3, we divide the proof of Theorem 1.1 into four steps:

  • Case of a truncated domain,
  • An energy type estimate in small in time case,
  • Passage to the limit,
  • Case of a large in time conical type domain.

2. Preliminaries

Proposition 2.1.

Under the assumptions    and    on the weight function  , Problem   (1.3)   is uniquely solvable.


Let us consider a solution of Problem (1.3) with a null right-hand side term. So,

In addition fulfils the boundary conditions

Using Green’s formula, we have

where , , are the components of the unit outward normal vector at . Taking into account the boundary conditions, all the boundary integrals vanish except . We have





thanks to the conditions  and . This implies that and consequently . Then, the hypothesis gives . Thus, is constant. The boundary conditions imply that in . This proves the uniqueness of the solution of Problem (1.3). □

Remark 2.1.

In the sequel, we will be interested only in the question of the existence of the solution of Problem (1.3).

The following result is well known (see, for example,  [12])

Lemma 2.1.

Let  be the unit disk of  . Then, the operator

is an isomorphism. Moreover, there exists a constant  such that

In the above lemma, and are the usual Sobolev spaces defined, for instance, in Lions–Magenes  [12]. In Section  3, we will need the following result.

Lemma 2.2.

For a fixed  , there exists a constant  such that for each  , we have


It is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.1. Indeed, let and define the following change of variables

Set , then if , belongs to . For , we have

where . On the other hand, we have

Using the inequality

of Lemma 2.1, we obtain the desired inequality


Remark 2.2.

In Lemma 2.2 we can replace by .

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1

3.1. Case of a truncated domain 3.1. Case of a truncated domain Q n {\textstyle Q {n}}

In this subsection, we replace by and :

Theorem 3.1.

For each  such that  , the problem


where  admits a unique solution  .

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

The change of variables

transforms into the cylinder , where is the unit disk of . Putting  and , then Problem (3.1) is transformed, in into the following variable-coefficient parabolic problem

where is the part of the boundary of where . The above change of variables conserves the spaces and because and are bounded functions when . In other words

Proposition 3.1.

For each  such that  , the following operator is compact


has the “horn property” of Besov (see  [3]). So, for

is continuous. Since is bounded, the canonical injection is compact from into (see for instance [3]), where

For the complete definitions of the Hilbertian Sobolev spaces, see for instance  [12]. Consider the composition

then is a compact operator from into . Since is a bounded function for , the operators , are also compact from into . Consequently,

is compact from into . □

So, thanks to Proposition 3.1, to complete the proof of Theorem 3.1, it is sufficient to show that the operator

is an isomorphism from into .

Lemma 3.1.

For each  such that  , the operator

is an isomorphism from  into  .


Thanks to Remark 1.1, the problem

is equivalent to the following problem

Since the coefficient is bounded in , the optimal regularity is given by Ladyzhenskaya, Solonnikov and Ural’tseva  [11]. □

We shall need the following result in order to justify the calculus of this section.

Lemma 3.2.

For each  such that  , the space

is dense in the space

Here,  is the parabolic boundary of  and  stands for the usual Sobolev space defined, for instance, in Lions–Magenes   [12].

The proof of the above lemma may be found in  [12].

Remark 3.1.

In Lemma 3.2, we can replace by with the help of the change of variables defined above.

3.2. Case of a “small” conical domain

Now, we return to the conical domain and we suppose that the function satisfies conditions  and .

For each such that , we denote and the solution of Problem (1.3) in . Such a solution exists by Theorem 3.1.

Proposition 3.2.

For  small enough, there exists a constant  independent of  such that

Remark 3.2.

Let be a real number which we will choose small enough. The hypothesis (1.2) implies the existence of a real number small enough such that


In order to prove Proposition 3.2, we need the following result which is a consequence of Lemma 2.2 and Grisvard–Looss [7, Theorem 2.2].

Lemma 3.3.

There exists a constant  independent of  such that

Proof of Proposition 3.2.

Let us denote the inner product in by , then we have

Estimation of: We have


with are the components of the unit outward normal vector at . We shall rewrite the boundary integral making use of the boundary conditions. On the part of the boundary of  where , we have and consequently the corresponding boundary integral vanishes. On the part of the boundary where , we have , and . Accordingly, the corresponding boundary integral

is nonnegative. On the part of defined by

we have


Let us denote

We have

(a) Estimation of:

We have

Differentiating with respect to , we obtain

So, the boundary integral vanishes.

(b) Estimation of:

We have

Differentiating with respect to , we obtain


The Dirichlet boundary conditions on lead to


Now, differentiating the formula

with respect to , we obtain


The Dirichlet boundary conditions on lead to

and consequently

So, the boundary integral vanishes.

(c) Estimation of

We have

Differentiating with respect to , we obtain


Differentiating with respect to , we obtain

Taking into account these relationships we deduce



Remark 3.3.

Observe that the integrals


which appear in the last formula are nonnegative thanks to the assumptions  and  on the weight function . This is a good sign for our estimate because we can deduce immediately

So, if is an increasing function in the interval , then



But, thanks to Lemma 2.2 and since is bounded in , there exists a constant such that

Taking into account Lemma 3.3 and estimate (3.4), this proves the desired estimate of Proposition 3.2.

So, it remains to establish the estimate of Proposition 3.2 under the hypothesis (1.2). For this purpose, we need the following lemma

Lemma 3.4.

One has


This result can be obtained by following step by step the proof of [9, Lemma 3.4]. □

Now, we continue the proof of Proposition 3.2. We have

but Lemma 2.2 yields for

since thanks to the condition (3.2). Then

Therefore, Lemma 3.4 shows that


Then, it is sufficient to choose such that to get a constant independent of such that

and since

there exists a constant , independent of satisfying

This completes the proof of Proposition 3.2.

3.3. Passage to the limit

Choose a sequence of the domains defined above (see Section  3.1), such that . Then, we have , as . Consider the solution of the Cauchy–Dirichlet problem

where . Such a solution exists by Theorem 3.1. Let be the 0-extension of to . In virtue of Proposition 3.2 for small enough, we know that there exists a constant such that

This means that , for are bounded functions in . So, for a suitable increasing sequence of integers , , there exist functions

in such that

. Clearly,

in the sense of distributions in and so in . So, and

On the other hand, the solution satisfies the boundary conditions


This proves the existence of a solution to Problem (1.3). This ends the proof of Theorem 1.1 in the case of small enough.

3.4. The general case

Assume that satisfies (1.1). In the case where is not small enough, we set where

with small enough. In the sequel, stands for an arbitrary fixed element of and , , 2. We know that (see Section  3.3) there exists a unique solution of the problem


Hereafter, we denote the trace by which is in the Sobolev space because (see  [12]). Now, consider the following problem in


We use the following result, which is a consequence of  [12, Theorem 4.3, Vol. 2], to solve Problem (3.6).

Proposition 3.3.

Let  be the cylinder  where  is the unit disk of  ,  and  . Then, the problem

where  ,  , admits a (unique) solution  if and only if the following compatibility conditions are fulfilled

Thanks to the transformation

we deduce the following result:

Proposition 3.4.

Problem   (3.6)   admits a (unique) solution  if and only if the following compatibility conditions are fulfilled

Remark 3.4.

We can observe that the boundary conditions of Problems (3.5) and (3.6) yield

and . Then the compatibility conditions

are satisfied since .

Now, define the function in by

where and are the solutions of Problem (3.5) and Problem (3.6) respectively. Observe that , see Remark 3.4, so

This implies that and is the (unique) solution of Problem (1.3) for an arbitrary . This ends the proof of Theorem 1.1.


We are thankful to the referee for the valuable remarks which led to an improvement of the original manuscript.


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