The effect of vertical throughflow and internal heating effects on fluid saturated porous medium under gravity modulation is investigated. The amplitude of modulation is considered to be very small and the disturbances are expanded in terms of power series of amplitude of convection. A weakly nonlinear stability analysis is proposed to study stationary convection. The Nusselt number is obtained numerically to present the results of heat transfer while using Ginzburg–Landau equation. The vertical throughflow has dual effect either to destabilize or to stabilize the system for downward or upward directions. The effect of internal heat source enhances or sink diminishes heat transfer in the system. The amplitude and frequency of modulation have the effects of increasing or diminishing heat transport. For linear model Venezian approach suggested that throughflow and internal heating have both destabilizing and stabilizing effects for suitable ranges of . Further, the study establishes that heat transport can be controlled effectively by a mechanism that is external to the system throughflow and gravity modulation.Abstract
The effect of vertical throughflow and internal heating effects on fluid saturated porous medium under gravity modulation is investigated. The amplitude of modulation is considered [...]
The thermal performance of data centers is numerically studied for different configurations of computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units and physical separations of cold and hot aisles. Temperature distribution, air flow characteristics and thermal management of data centers racks array are predicted and evaluated for the different arrangements. Measureable performance indices: supply/return heat index (SHI/RHI), return temperature index (RTI) and return cooling index (RCI) are used to measure the thermal management effectiveness of data center racks. The results showed that: (i) hot air recirculation, cold air bypass and the measurable performance indices of the racks strongly depend on the racks location in the racks array, (ii) the CRACs units layout affects the thermal managements of the racks array especially the sides and middle racks in the array, and (iii) using cold aisle containments enhances the thermal performance of the data center.Abstract
The thermal performance of data centers is numerically studied for different configurations of computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units and physical separations of cold [...]
In this study we analyzed the influence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction on two dimensional steady magnetohydrodynamic flow of a nanofluid past a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet in the presence of suction/injection. We considered nanofluid volume fraction on the boundary is submissive controlled, which makes the present study entirely different from earlier studies and physically more realistic. The equations governing the flow are solved numerically. Effects of non-dimensional governing parameters on velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are discussed and presented through graphs. Also, coefficient of skin friction and local Nusselt number is investigated for stretching/shrinking and suction/injection cases separately and presented through tables. Comparisons with existed results are presented. Present results have an excellent agreement with the existed studies under some special assumptions. Results indicate that the enhancement in Brownian motion and thermophoresis parameters depreciates the nanoparticle concentration and increases the mass transfer rate. Dual solutions exist only for certain range of stretching/shrinking and suction/injection parameters.Abstract
In this study we analyzed the influence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction on two dimensional steady magnetohydrodynamic flow of a nanofluid past a permeable stretching/shrinking [...]
The aim of the present study is to investigate the Hall and ion slip currents on an incompressible free convective flow, heat and mass transfer of a micropolar fluid in a porous medium between expanding or contracting walls with chemical reaction, Soret and Dufour effects. Assume that the walls are moving with a time dependent rate of the distance and the fluid is injecting or sucking with an absolute velocity. The walls are maintained at constant but different temperatures and concentrations. The governing partial differential equations are reduced into nonlinear ordinary differential equations by similarity transformations and then the resultant equations are solved numerically by quasilinearization technique. The results are analyzed for velocity components, microrotation, temperature and concentration with respect to different fluid and geometric parameters and presented in the form of graphs. It is noticed that with the increase in chemical reaction, Hall and ion slip parameters the temperature of the fluid is enhanced whereas the concentration is decreased. Also for the Newtonian fluid, the numerical values of axial velocity are compared with the existing literature and are found to be in good agreement.Abstract
The aim of the present study is to investigate the Hall and ion slip currents on an incompressible free convective flow, heat and mass transfer of a micropolar fluid in a [...]
The aim of this attempt was to present an efficient algorithm for the evaluation of error bound of triangular subdivision surfaces. The error estimation technique is based on first order difference and this process is independent of parametrization. This technique can be easily generalized to higher arity triangular surfaces. The estimated error bound is expressed in-terms of initial control point sequence and constants. Here, we efficiently estimate error bound between triangular surface and its control polygon after k-fold subdivision and further extended to evaluate subdivision depth of the scheme.Abstract
The aim of this attempt was to present an efficient algorithm for the evaluation of error bound of triangular subdivision surfaces. The error estimation technique is based [...]
A study of double-diffusive natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure with a partial heated active right sidewall has been conducted numerically using the finite difference method. The length of the heated active part is equal to half of the inclined wall. Uniform different temperatures and concentrations are imposed along the active parts of the enclosure. The top and bottom boundaries of the enclosure, as well as inactive part of the right sidewall, are being insulated and impermeable. The species diffusivity of the fluid is considered to be constant, but the density varies linearly with the temperature and concentration. Double-diffusive convection for laminar two-dimensional incompressible flow with negligible radiation is expressed in terms of vorticity, temperature or energy, concentration and stream function. A Partial Differential Equation (PDE) technique is adopted to generate regular grid distribution in the physical space. The numerical results are reported for the effect of different heating cases, thermal Grashof numbers, and inclination angles on the contours of streamline, temperature, and concentration. Also, the relevant results for the average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are demonstrated for several parameters including thermal Grashof number (103⩽GrT⩽106)103⩽GrT⩽106), Lewis number (0.5⩽Le⩽10)0.5⩽Le⩽10), Prandtl number (0.7⩽Pr⩽10)0.7⩽Pr⩽10) at a fixed aspect ratio Ar=1Ar=1 and buoyancy ratio N=-0.2N=-0.2.Abstract
A study of double-diffusive natural convection in a trapezoidal enclosure with a partial heated active right sidewall has been conducted numerically using the finite difference [...]
In this paper, new homotopy perturbation method (NHPM) (Biazar et al., 2007) is applied to obtain solutions of system of Burgers equations. In this method, the solution is considered as an infinite series expansion where it converges rapidly to the exact solution. In order to show the ability and reliability of the method some examples are provided. The results reveal that the method is very effective and simple. The modified method accelerates the rapid convergence of the series solution and reduces the size of work.Abstract
In this paper, new homotopy perturbation method (NHPM) (Biazar et al., 2007) is applied to obtain solutions of system of Burgers equations. In this method, the solution is [...]
In the present study, large amplitude free vibration of beams resting on variable elastic foundation is investigated. The Euler–Bernoulli hypothesis and the Winkler model have been applied for beam and elastic foundation, respectively. The beam is axially loaded and is restrained by immovable boundary conditions, which yields stretching during vibrations. The energy method and Hamilton’s principle are used to derive equation of motion, where after decomposition an ordinary differential equation with cubic nonlinear term is obtained. The second order homotopy perturbation method is applied to solve nonlinear equation of motion. An explicit amplitude-frequency relation is achieved from solution with relative error less than 0.07% for all amplitudes. This solution is applied to study effects of variable elastic foundation, amplitude of vibration and axial load on nonlinear frequency of beams with simply supported and fully clamped boundary conditions. Proposed formulation is capable to dealing with any arbitrary distribution of elastic foundation.Abstract
In the present study, large amplitude free vibration of beams resting on variable elastic foundation is investigated. The Euler–Bernoulli hypothesis and the Winkler model [...]
In this paper attempts have been done to solve nonlinear oscillator by using Akbari–Ganji’s Method (AGM). Solving nonlinear equation is difficult due to its high nonlinearity. This new approach is emerged after comparing the achieved solutions with numerical method and exact solution. Results are presented for different values of amplitude vibration of the problem parameters which would certainly illustrate that this method (AGM) is efficient and has enough accuracy in comparison with other semi analytical and numerical methods. Moreover, results demonstrate that AGM could be applicable through other methods in nonlinear problems with high nonlinearity. Furthermore, convergence problems for solving nonlinear equations by using AGM appear small.Abstract
In this paper attempts have been done to solve nonlinear oscillator by using Akbari–Ganji’s Method (AGM). Solving nonlinear equation is difficult due to its high nonlinearity. [...]
This paper presents a numerical study of natural convection in a triangular cavity filled with water. The horizontal wall is hot, the vertical wall is cold and the inclined wall is insulated. Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is applied to solve the coupled equations of flow and temperature fields. This study has been carried out for the pertinent parameters in the following ranges: Rayleigh number varied from Ra = 103 to 106 and the inclination angle between Φ=0°Φ=0° and 315°315°. The effects of Rayleigh numbers and inclination angle on the streamlines, isotherms, Nusselt number are investigated. Results show that the heat transfer rate increases with the increase of Rayleigh number. In addition it is observed that the lower heat transfer rate is obtained for Φ=135°Φ=135°, however, the highest heat transfer is achieved at Φ=0°Φ=0°. The inclination angle greatly influences the heat transfer rate depending on the Rayleigh number.Abstract
This paper presents a numerical study of natural convection in a triangular cavity filled with water. The horizontal wall is hot, the vertical wall is cold and the inclined [...]
This work is focussed on the numerical modeling of mixed convection heat transfer effects in a lid-driven cavity filled with a copper–water nanofluid. A heated wall mounted block with constant heat flux is attached along the vertical wall. The left vertical wall is maintained at higher temperature compared to the right vertical wall and the other (top and bottom) walls are insulated. A finite volume based numerical approach with QUICK scheme is used for the solution of nonlinear governing equations. A computational visualization technique is used to represent the two dimensional results of streamlines, isotherms, average Nusselt number and bulk-average temperature for a wide range of physical parameters, namely Reynolds number, Rayleigh number and solid volume fraction. The effective fluid flow and heat transfer variation are analyzed by placing the heated mounted block first along the left vertical wall (Case-I) and then along the right vertical wall (Case-II) to test the maximum heat transfer effects. The changes in main characteristics of the flow due to variation of Reynolds number and Rayleigh number are elaborated. The effect of various flow parameters on the thermal conductivity behavior for both cases is discussed based on average Nusselt number and bulk-average temperature and found that Case-I shows higher heat transfer rate compared to Case-II, for higher Re, Ra and ϕϕ.Abstract
This work is focussed on the numerical modeling of mixed convection heat transfer effects in a lid-driven cavity filled with a copper–water nanofluid. A heated wall mounted [...]
In the present study heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of boundary layer flow of an incompressible viscous fluid over hyperbolic stretching cylinder are taken into account. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations are normalized by using suitable transformations. The numerical results are obtained for the partial differential equations by a finite difference scheme known as Keller box method. The influence of emerging parameters namely curvature parameter and Prandtl number on velocity and temperature profiles, skin friction coefficient and the Nusselt number is presented through graphs. A comparison for the flat plate case is given and developed code is validated. It is seen that curvature parameter has dominant effect on the flow and heat transfer characteristics. The increment in the curvature of the hyperbolic stretching cylinder increases both the momentum and thermal boundary layers. Also skin friction coefficient at the surface of cylinder decreases but Nusselt number shows opposite results. Temperature distribution is decreasing by increasing Prandtl number. Moreover, the effects of different physical parameters on entropy generation number and Bejan number are shown graphically.Abstract
In the present study heat transfer and entropy generation analysis of boundary layer flow of an incompressible viscous fluid over hyperbolic stretching cylinder are taken [...]
Removal of the cationic dyes rhodamine B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) by waste seeds Aleurites moluccana (WAM) was studied in a batch system. The adsorbent was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), point of zero charge measurement, and the Boehm titration method. The effects of contact time and pH were investigated for the removal of cationic dyes. An increase in pH from 3 to 9 was accompanied by an approximately three-fold increase in the amount of dye adsorbed. The adsorptions equilibrium values were obtained and analyzed using the Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips, and Redlich–Peterson equations, the Sips isotherm being the one that showed the best correlation with the experimental values. The maximum adsorption capacities of the dyes were 178 mg/g for the MB and 117 mg/g for the RhB. The kinetic sorption was evaluated by the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intraparticle diffusion models, where it was observed that sorption follows the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The study of thermodynamics showed that the adsorption is a spontaneous and endothermic process. The results indicate that waste seeds of A. moluccana could be used as a low cost material for the removal of cationic dyes from wastewater.Abstract
Removal of the cationic dyes rhodamine B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) by waste seeds Aleurites moluccana (WAM) was studied in a batch system. The adsorbent was characterized [...]
In this work, data-driven soft sensors are developed for the debutanizer column for online monitoring of butane content in the debutanizer column bottom product. The data set consists of data for seven process inputs and one process output. The total process data were equally divided into a training set and a validation set using the Kennard–Stone maximal intra distance criterion. The training set was used to develop multiple linear regression, principal component regression and back propagation neural network models for the debutanizer column. Performances of the developed models were assessed by simulation with the validation data set. Results show that the neural network model designed using Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm is capable of estimating the product quality with nearly 95% accuracy. The performance of the neural network model reported in this article is found to be better than the performances of least square support vector regression and standard support vector regression models reported in the literature earlier.Abstract
In this work, data-driven soft sensors are developed for the debutanizer column for online monitoring of butane content in the debutanizer column bottom product. The data [...]
The peristaltic flow analysis in a tapered asymmetric channel has been made for a Johnson–Segalman fluid. The tapered asymmetric channel is assumed to be formed due to a peristaltic wave train on the non-uniform walls having different amplitudes and phase. Two-dimensional equations of a Johnson–Segalman fluid have been simplified by treating a long wavelength and low Reynolds number approximations. The reduced equations are then solved for the stream function, axial velocity and axial pressure gradient using a regular perturbation technique. The expressions for the pressure rise, axial velocity and stream function are sketched and the reasons for the variations observed in various physical parameters are interpreted with valid theory. It has been noticed that peristaltic pumping region and free pumping decrease with an increase in non-uniform parameter and the situation is quite complimentary to the case of augmented pumping. It has also been observed that the size of the tapped bolus decreases with an increase in Weissenberg number.Abstract
The peristaltic flow analysis in a tapered asymmetric channel has been made for a Johnson–Segalman fluid. The tapered asymmetric channel is assumed to be formed due to a [...]
A computational study has been performed to make a computational analysis of natural convection and entropy generation in a sharp edged finned cavity. Three dimensional analysis has been done by solving governing equations with a written computational code in Fortran. The study is performed for fin inclination angles from −60° to 60°, Ra = 105, Pr = 0.7, Rc (conductivities ratio) changes from 0.01 to 100 and irreversibility coefficient is taken as φ=10-5φ=10-5. It is observed that higher values of thermal conductivity ratio (Rc ⩾ 1) do not affect entropy generation due to heat transfer and Bejan number.Abstract
A computational study has been performed to make a computational analysis of natural convection and entropy generation in a sharp edged finned cavity. Three dimensional analysis [...]
The near surface mounted (NSM) fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement is emerging as a promising alternative strengthening technique to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) for increasing the load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) members. NSM FRP technique has several advantages, in comparison with the EBR method, such as reducing the risk of debonding, and a better protection from the external sources of damage. In this research, the performance and effectiveness of the NSM and EBR techniques for the flexural strengthening of RC beams are compared. In order to achieve this objective, six full-scale, RC beams were strengthened with different carbon FRP (CFRP) schemes and tested. Such beams were designed to fail in a flexural mode. Test results indicated that if the same amount of CFRP is used, beams strengthened with NSM strips achieved higher ultimate load than those strengthened with EBR. Such increase in the ultimate load ratio ranged between 12% and 18%. Furthermore, a design approach for computing the moment capacity of RC flexural members strengthened with NSM CFRP strips is developed and presented in this paper.Abstract
The near surface mounted (NSM) fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement is emerging as a promising alternative strengthening technique to externally bonded reinforcement [...]
In this work, the combined effects of magnetic field and ohmic heating on the entropy generation rate in the flow of couple stress fluid through a porous channel are investigated. The equations governing the fluid flow are formulated, non-dimensionalised and solved using a rapidly convergent semi-analytical Adomian decomposition method (ADM). The result of the computation shows a significant dependence of fluid’s thermophysical parameters on Joule’s dissipation as well as decline in the rate of change of fluid momentum due to the interplay between Lorentz and viscous forces. Moreover, the rate of entropy generation in the flow system drops as the magnitude of the magnetic field increases.Abstract
In this work, the combined effects of magnetic field and ohmic heating on the entropy generation rate in the flow of couple stress fluid through a porous channel are investigated. [...]
Numerical computation of unsteady laminar three-dimensional natural convection and entropy generation in an inclined cubical trapezoidal air-filled cavity is performed for the first time in this work. The vertical right and left sidewalls of the cavity are maintained at constant cold temperatures. The lower wall is subjected to a constant hot temperature, while the upper one is considered insulated. Computations are performed for Rayleigh numbers varied as 103 ⩽ Ra ⩽ 105, while the trapezoidal cavity inclination angle is varied as 0° ⩽ Φ ⩽ 180°. Prandtl number is considered constant at Pr = 0.71. Second law of thermodynamics is applied to obtain thermodynamic losses inside the cavity due to both heat transfer and fluid friction irreversibilities. The variation of local and average Nusselt numbers is presented and discussed, while, streamlines, isotherms and entropy contours are presented in both two and three-dimensional pattern. The results show that when the Rayleigh number increases, the flow patterns are changed especially in three-dimensional results and the flow circulation increases. Also, the inclination angle effect on the total entropy generation becomes insignificant when the Rayleigh number is low. Moreover, when the Rayleigh number increases the average Nusselt number increases.Abstract
Numerical computation of unsteady laminar three-dimensional natural convection and entropy generation in an inclined cubical trapezoidal air-filled cavity is performed for [...]
In the present study, the effects of alumina nano-fluid concentration on sharp-edge orifice flow characteristics in both cavitations and non-cavitations turbulent flow regimes are numerically investigated. At different concentration of AL2O3 nonmetallic particles (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%) volume fractions in pure liquid water as a base fluid. A single-hole orifice pipe is with a small diameter ratio 0.297 and the orifice plate thickness 14 mm. The effects of alumina nano-fluid concentration on sharp-edge orifice flow characteristics have been investigated based on the turbulent kinetic energy, turbulent intensity, turbulent viscosity, and volume fraction of vapor. The results show that for increasing the nonmetallic particle volume fraction from 0.0 to 10%, the turbulent kinetic energy decreases by 20.87% in average downstream the orifice in the whole region, the turbulent intensity decreases by 11.11% in average downstream the orifice in the whole region, the turbulent intensity decreases by 11% in average in the whole region, and the volume fraction of vapor increases by 16.9%. Also, in the separation region downstream the orifice the turbulent kinetic energy increases by 160% in average and the turbulent intensity increases by 74% in average for increasing the nano-fluid concentration from 0.0% to 2%. These are mainly because for using the alumina nano-fluid the separation phenomena decrease due to the increase of the viscosity of the nano-fluid, the total losses in the sharp-edge orifice increase for the increase of the viscosity of the nano-fluid and this causes the increase of the rate of vaporization. In the orifice pipe the total-stress criterion predicts larger cavitating regions in the flow field. However using the nano-fluid with high concentration accelerates the cavitations at the orifice pipe.Abstract
In the present study, the effects of alumina nano-fluid concentration on sharp-edge orifice flow characteristics in both cavitations and non-cavitations turbulent flow regimes [...]
This study is devoted to investigate the steady fully developed natural convection flow in a vertical annular micro-channel having temperature dependent viscosity in the presence of velocity slip and temperature jump at the annular micro-channel surfaces. The governing equations of the motion are a set of ordinary differential equations and their analytical solutions in dimensionless form have been obtained for the temperature field and velocity field. The effect of various flow parameters entering into the problem is discussed with the aid of line graphs. During the course of numerical investigation, it is found that increase in viscosity variation parameter enhances the fluid velocity and velocity slip. Furthermore, an increase in viscosity variation parameter leads to increase in the volume flow rate and skin friction.Abstract
This study is devoted to investigate the steady fully developed natural convection flow in a vertical annular micro-channel having temperature dependent viscosity in the presence [...]
The application of new methods to solution of non-Fourier heat transfer problems has always been one of the interesting topics among thermal science researchers. In this paper, the effect of laser, as a heat source, on a thin film was studied. The Dual Phase Lagging (DPL) non-Fourier heat conduction model was used for thermal analysis. The thermal conductivity was assumed temperature-dependent which resulted in a nonlinear equation. The obtained equations were solved using the approximate-analytical Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM). It was concluded that the nonlinear analysis is important in non-Fourier heat conduction problems. Significant differences were observed between the Fourier and non-Fourier solutions which stress the importance of non-Fourier solutions in the similar problems.Abstract
The application of new methods to solution of non-Fourier heat transfer problems has always been one of the interesting topics among thermal science researchers. In this paper, [...]
The investigation indicates an experimental study on the convective heat transfer of Cu/Ethylene Glycol nanofluid flow inside a concentric annular tube with constant heat flux boundary condition and proposes a novel correlation for the prediction of Nusselt number. For extending the previous study by Jafarimoghaddam et al., we selected the nanoparticles with the average size of 20 nm and also other conditions of the experiment are based on Jafarimoghaddam et al. (2016) [1]. The applied nanofluid was prepared by Electrical Explosion of Wire technique with no accumulation during the experiment. The tube was heated using an electrical heating coil covered it. The effects of different parameters such as flow Reynolds number and nanofluid particle concentration on heat transfer coefficient are studied. The acquired experimental data were used to establish a correlation for predicting Nusselt number of nanofluid flow inside the annular tube. This correlation has been presented by using the exponential regression analysis and least square method. Correlation is valid for Cu/Base Ethylene Glycol nanofluid flow with the volume concentrations between 0.011 and 0.171 in the hydrodynamically fully developed laminar flow regime with Re < 160 which is most applicable in micro heat sinks.Abstract
The investigation indicates an experimental study on the convective heat transfer of Cu/Ethylene Glycol nanofluid flow inside a concentric annular tube with constant heat [...]
In the last 15 years, Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) had been widely used as a wind turbine generator, due its various advantages especially low generation cost so it becomes the most important and promising sources of renewable energy. This work focuses on studying of using DFIG as a wind turbine connected to a grid subjected to various types of fault. Crowbar is a kind of protection used for wind turbine generator protection. ANFIS controller is used for protection of DFIG during faults. The fault current under symmetric and asymmetric fault is presented as well as a way to control the increase in rotor current which leads to voltage increase in DC link between wind generator and the grid. ANFIS is used for solving such problem as it is one of the most commonly AI used techniques. Also the current response of DFIG during fault is improved by adapting the parameters of PI controllers of the voltage regulator using fuzzy logics. ANFIS also in this paper is used for detecting and clearing the short circuit on the DC capacitor link during the operation. A simulation study is illustrated using MATLAB/Simulink depending on currents and voltages measurement only for online detection of the faults. The proposed technique shows promising results using the simulation model.Abstract
In the last 15 years, Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) had been widely used as a wind turbine generator, due its various advantages especially low generation cost so [...]
In this paper, the effects of different widths and lengths of collar around bridge abutment on local scour depth are studied numerically and experimentally. Numerical simulation of scour hole evolution at bridge abutment is more convenient than the experimental modeling, because the computational cost and time have significantly decreased. The numerical model solves 3-D Navier–Stokes equations and bed load conservation equation. The k–ε turbulence model is used to solve the Reynolds-stress term. The simulated results are verified using the laboratory experiments. In addition, the multiple linear regressions are applied to correlate the maximum local scour depth with the other independent parameters. It was found that the relative length of collar 0.73 around bridge abutment reduces the maximum scour depth by 69% compared to no-collar case. Moreover, the results of 3-D numerical model and regression models agree well with the experimental data.Abstract
In this paper, the effects of different widths and lengths of collar around bridge abutment on local scour depth are studied numerically and experimentally. Numerical simulation [...]
In this study, a simple and high accurate series-based method called Differential Transformation Method (DTM) is used for solving the coupled nonlinear differential equations in fluids mechanic problems. The concept of the DTM is briefly introduced, and its application on two different cases, natural convection of a non-Newtonian nanofluid between two vertical plates and Newtonian nanofluid flow between two horizontal plates, has been studied. DTM results are compared with those obtained by a numerical solution (Fourth-order Runge–Kutta) to show the accuracy of the proposed method. Results reveal that DTM is very effective and convenient which can achieve more reliable results compared to other analytical methods in solving some engineering and sciences problems.Abstract
In this study, a simple and high accurate series-based method called Differential Transformation Method (DTM) is used for solving the coupled nonlinear differential equations [...]
In this article, the exp(-Φ(ξ))exp(-Φ(ξ))-expansion method is modified for (3+1)-dimensional space–time coordinate system and successfully implemented to construct the new exact traveling wave solutions of the (3+1)-dimensional coupled Klein–Gordon–Zakharov equation. The solutions of this equation are expressed in terms of hyperbolic, trigonometric, exponential and rational functions. The results illustrate its effectiveness for solving nonlinear coupled partial differential equations arises in mathematical physics and engineering. The annihilation phenomena of the wave propagation in the xx–yy plane are also investigated. Furthermore, the three-dimensional surface plots due to the obtained solutions are also given to make the dynamics of the equation visible.Abstract
In this article, the exp(-Φ(ξ))exp(-Φ(ξ))-expansion method is modified for (3+1)-dimensional space–time coordinate system and successfully implemented to construct the [...]
In this work, the effects of variables such as initial carded web mass, needle penetration depth, punch density, and the frequency of incident sound wave on transmission of sound through polypropylene needle-punched nonwovens were investigated. Fibrous carded webs using commercially available 17 dtex, 90 mm staple length polypropylene fibers were prepared with different mass per unit area using carding machine. Samples were needled at various punch-densities and needle penetration depths were produced. Design points of experiments were set up using Taguchi experimental design method. Sound transmission loss (STL) of needled samples was measured using an impedance tube equipped with four microphones. Minitab software was used to analyze the sound transmission ability of the samples. Results indicated that all of the considered controllable factor have significant effects on STL values determined for the needled nonwovens. Also, initial carded web mass was found to be the most influential factor affecting sound transmission through the samples. It was concluded that an increase in thickness of the samples as well as mass per unit area of nonwovens results in higher sound transmission loss by the samples.Abstract
In this work, the effects of variables such as initial carded web mass, needle penetration depth, punch density, and the frequency of incident sound wave on transmission of [...]
Using cold EGR method with variable venturi and turbocharger has very significant effect, simultaneously on the reduction of NOX and grime simultaneously. EGR cooler is one of the most important parts in the cold EGR circuit. In this paper optimum design of cooler for working in different percentages of EGR, besides determination of optimum temperature of exhausted gases, efficiency growth, weight reduction, dimension and expenditures reduction, sediment reduction, and optimum performance by using gasoil which has significant amounts of brimstone, is investigated and optimized.Abstract
Using cold EGR method with variable venturi and turbocharger has very significant effect, simultaneously on the reduction of NOX and grime simultaneously. EGR cooler is one [...]
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is widely used in the industrial Network Control System (NCS). It relies on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol to transfer data at low rate. Experimental and theoretical studies proved that the wireless channel produces a time delay. In the NCS, this delay may cause system instability and performance degradation. Delay compensation schemes are used to reduce the delay effects. In this paper, a delay compensation scheme using classical and adaptive Smith predictor is applied to wireless NCS. The Markov model is proposed to compute the estimated network delay used in the classical predictor. In the adaptive predictor, the channel delay statistics using shift register is proposed to update the estimated delay. To evaluate the proposed schemes, a DC-motor controller system based on IEEE 802.15.4 is built using True Time Matlab software. The system performance with and without the proposed delay compensation scheme is studied. It is also compared to other delay compensation schemes. The results show that the proposed scheme improves the NCS performance significantly and reduces the effect of the delay on the system.Abstract
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is widely used in the industrial Network Control System (NCS). It relies on the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol to transfer data at low rate. Experimental [...]
Polymethylacrylate (PMA) nanofibers membranes are fabricated by electrospinning technique and applied to the polymer matrix in quasi-solid-state electrolytes for dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). There is no previous studies reporting the production of PMA nanofibers. The electrospinning parameters such as polymer concentration, applied voltage, feed rate, tip to collector distance and solvent were optimized. Electrospun PMA fibrous membrane with average fiber diameter of 350 nm was prepared from a 10 wt% solution of PMA in a mixture of acetone/N, N-dimethylacetamide (6:4 v/v) at an applied voltage of 20 kV. It was then activated by immersing it in 0.5 M LiI, 0.05 M I2, and 0.5 M 4-tert-butylpyridine in 3-methoxyproponitrile to obtain the corresponding membrane electrolyte with an ionic conductivity of 2.4 × 10−3 S cm−1 at 25 °C. Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) employing the quasi solid-state electrolyte have an open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.65 V and a short circuit current (Jsc) of 6.5 mA cm−2 and photoelectric energy conversion efficiency (η) of 1.4% at an incident light intensity of 100 mW cm−2.Abstract
Polymethylacrylate (PMA) nanofibers membranes are fabricated by electrospinning technique and applied to the polymer matrix in quasi-solid-state electrolytes for dye sensitized [...]
One of the main goals of the railway simulation technique is the formation of a model that can be easily tested for any desired changes and modifications in infrastructure, control system, or in train operations in order to improve the network operation and its productivity. RailSys3.0 is a German railway simulation program that deals with this goal. In this paper, a railway network operation, with different suggested modifications in infrastructure, rolling stocks, and control system, using RailSys3.0, has been studied, optimized, and evaluated. The proposed simulation program (RailSys 3.0) was applied on ABO-KIR railway line in Alexandria city, as a case study, to assess the impact of changing track configuration, operating and control systems on the performance measures, time-table, track capacity and productivity. Simulation input, such as track element, train and operation components of the ABO-KIR railway line, has been entered to the computer program to construct the simulation model. The simulation process has been carried out for the existing operation system to construct a graphical model of the case-study track including line alignment and train movements, as well as to evaluate the existing operation system. To improve the operation system of the railway line, eight different innovative alternatives are generated, analyzed and evaluated. Finally, different track measures to improve the operation system of the ABO-KIR railway line have been introduced.Abstract
One of the main goals of the railway simulation technique is the formation of a model that can be easily tested for any desired changes and modifications in infrastructure, [...]
Flow-induced loads and Strouhal frequencies of secondary hyperboloid reflector which is located at top of the central tower of a proposed solar power plant are investigated. Initially for validation, flow-induced vibration characteristics of 3-D rectangular cylinder are studied and found in good agreement with previously published results. After the validation of the present numerical procedure, the force coefficients and the Strouhal frequencies of solar secondary hyperboloid reflector are determined for operational and survival wind speeds. Influences of various numerical parameters are investigated through the statistical values of the drag and the lift coefficients, Strouhal number, and pressure distribution. Finite element analysis has also been done to find out the deflections and stresses due to dead weight, imposed loads and wind loads and to optimize the design of hyperboloid and towers.Abstract
Flow-induced loads and Strouhal frequencies of secondary hyperboloid reflector which is located at top of the central tower of a proposed solar power plant are investigated. [...]
This research was based on a finite-element model (FEM) of large foundations such as induced draft (ID) fans. Three-dimensional (3D) linear analyses were performed under arbitrary static and dynamic loads for various modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ec) (20, 25, 28 and 30 GPa) and reinforcement (Es) (200, 250, 300 GPa). FEM results were compared with the existing ID fan foundations (laboratory-based evidence) to assess the accuracy of simulations made by the FEM. This study validated what constitutes a major departure from current thinking regarding material properties modeling of concrete under various loads to increase foundation for lifetime.Abstract
This research was based on a finite-element model (FEM) of large foundations such as induced draft (ID) fans. Three-dimensional (3D) linear analyses were performed under arbitrary [...]
After fabric relaxation, there is a reduction in wale and course density due to a reduction in loop length and this actually will affect the fabric properties. Then, it is useful to find a relation between loop length and courses and wales per unit length as well as the yarn thickness because wales and courses per unit length can be easily measured at any state while it is difficult to measure the loop length in the knitted fabrics. Therefore, it is required to find an equation, through which the value of loop length can be easily calculated from the measured values of courses and wales per unit length at any state after the knitting process. In this work estimated equations to calculate the knitted loop length for open to normal structure and for normal to compact structure are developed. By comparing the value of the loop length predicted from this work with the other mentioned models, it was found that the calculated values are very near to the L value of the case study, so the developed equations are acceptable. The tightness factor and the porosity of single jersey fabrics were also calculated theoretically.Abstract
After fabric relaxation, there is a reduction in wale and course density due to a reduction in loop length and this actually will affect the fabric properties. Then, it is [...]
Ship design process usually relies on statistics and comparisons with existing ships, rather than analytical approaches and optimization techniques. Designers found this way as the best to fulfil the owner’s requirements, but better solutions, for both the shipyard and the owner may exist. Assessing ship life cycle cost is one of the most attractive tasks for shipyard during early design stage. Structural optimization can be used to achieve that task. In this paper, a comprehensive study on the structural optimization of an offshore supply vessel (OSV), as a case study, is presented. Detailed structural modeling of the vessel is created. Various environmental loads acting on the ship hull such as still water loads and wave induced loads are briefly explained. Different loading conditions and corresponding structural responses have been investigated to assign the most severe one on the vessel. The basic concept of structural optimization and optimization characteristics is highlighted. Blind search optimization technique is applied and approximately forty-two percent weight and cost savings are found by comparing the weight of various design scenarios together without showing any structural inadequacy.Abstract
Ship design process usually relies on statistics and comparisons with existing ships, rather than analytical approaches and optimization techniques. Designers found this way [...]
In this paper, a solar liquid desiccant air conditioning (SLDAC) system has been studied. The effect of changing evacuated tube collector area on the performance of the SLDAC system was fulfillment. This inquest was done over all a year in Borg Al-Arab city located in the Northern region of Egypt. Meteorological data, such as hourly average solar radiations and temperatures, were needed to achieve this research. The hourly cooling loads were determined by using Hourly Analysis Program (HAP) 4.7. These loads are wall, illumination, people, and equipment loads. Then, the hourly differences of different parameters such as amount of water absorbed in conditioner, amount of water desorbed in regenerator, hot water temperature and coefficient of the performance were calculated. In addition, the maximum solar thermal energy was determined to meet the regeneration demand according to the hourly average solar radiation data. For 220 m2 evacuated tube collector area, the maximum required heat energy is obtained as 38, 286 kW h on December, while using solar energy, will save energy by 30.28% annual value.Abstract
In this paper, a solar liquid desiccant air conditioning (SLDAC) system has been studied. The effect of changing evacuated tube collector area on the performance of the SLDAC [...]
In this paper, a new perturbation technique is employed to solve strongly nonlinear Duffing oscillators, in which a new parameter α=α(ε)α=α(ε) is defined such that the value of α is always small regardless of the magnitude of the original parameter εε. Therefore, the strongly nonlinear Duffing oscillators with large parameter ε are transformed into a small parameter system with respect to αα. Approximate solution obtained by the present method is compared with the solution of energy balance method, homotopy perturbation method, global error minimization method and lastly numerical solution. We observe from the results that this method is very simple, easy to apply, and gives a very good accuracy not only for small parameter εbut also for large values of ε.Abstract
In this paper, a new perturbation technique is employed to solve strongly nonlinear Duffing oscillators, in which a new parameter α=α(ε)α=α(ε) is defined such that the [...]
A nanoparticles layer of bright nickel base was deposited on copper substrates using electrodeposition technique before spraying the paint. IR reflectance of the paint was found to be around 0.4 without bright nickel layer and the reflectance increased to 0.6 at a Ni layer thickness of 750 nm. The efficiency of the constructed solar collectors using black paint and black paint combined with bright nickel was found to be better than black paint individually. After aging tests under high temperature, Bright nickel improved the stability of the absorber paint. The collector optical gain FR(τα) was lowered by 24.7% for the commercial paint and lowered by 19.3% for the commercial paint combined with bright nickel. The overall heat loss FR(UL) was increased by 3.3% for the commercial paint and increased by 2.7% for the commercial paint combined with bright nickel after the temperature aging test.Abstract
A nanoparticles layer of bright nickel base was deposited on copper substrates using electrodeposition technique before spraying the paint. IR reflectance of the paint was [...]
Ultra High Performance Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (UHP-SHCC) are useful for strengthening or repairing concrete members. However there is a need to use refined analytical tools to simulate response of strengthened system. In this study, ABAQUS finite element program is used to numerically perform a parametric study including two major groups. Each group contains nine specimens strengthened from the tension side with variable thickness of UHP-SHCC and reinforced with variable reinforcement ratios embedded in the strengthening layer. Two types of loading were applied: monotonic loading for the first group and cyclic loading for the second group. ABAQUS CPS4R mesh element nonlinear is used to model the concrete, while truss element nonlinear is used to model longitudinal and transverse steel reinforcement. The numerical results obtained are in good agreement with the experimental work found in the literature. The results from the parametric study showed that it is sufficient to use 1.2% additional reinforcement ratio embedded in the strengthening layer for beams strengthened with UHP-SHCC to eliminate the observed early strain localization and to gain adequate ductility under both static and cyclic loadings.Abstract
Ultra High Performance Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (UHP-SHCC) are useful for strengthening or repairing concrete members. However there is a need to use refined [...]
The free vibration of the sewing needle is divided into lateral free vibrations and an axial free vibration. In this work a theoretical study that concerns the free lateral vibrations will be applied to the sewing needle by the use of Gorman’s Eigen values (Daniel, 1975) technique. The study will be divided into the following: needles with constant cross-section (with classical and non classical boundary conditions) and needles with variable cross-section (conical and stepped). For all the different shapes of needles (Gorman’s classifications) the linear natural frequency in stitches per min (SPM) will be calculated by the use of Gorman’s Eigen values via special tables and graphs. It was found that the linear fundamental natural frequencies of the following: clamped free sewing needle (CF) is 21, 548 SMP, clamped simple sewing needle (CS) is 94, 522 SMP while for free–free needle (FF) for n = 2 is 137, 130 SMP. For each type the Eigen value β was selected due to the sewing needle boundary conditions. The ratio between the lowest (CF) linear natural frequency and the highest (FF) one is 16%. In this work the selected sewing needle material was steel with E = 206 GPa and specific weight 785, 000 N/m3.Abstract
The free vibration of the sewing needle is divided into lateral free vibrations and an axial free vibration. In this work a theoretical study that concerns the free lateral [...]
In this study, properties of limestone cement concrete containing different replacement levels of limestone powder were examined. It includes 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% of limestone powder as a partial replacement of cement. Silica fume was added incorporated with limestone powder in some mixes to enhance the concrete properties. Compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were determined. Also, durability of limestone cement concrete with different C3A contents was examined. The weight loss, length change and cube compressive strength loss were measured for concrete attacked by 5% sodium sulfate using an accelerated test up to 525 days age. The corrosion resistance was measured through accelerated corrosion test using first crack time, cracking width and steel reinforcement weight loss. Consequently, for short and long term, the use of limestone up to 10% had not a significant reduction in concrete properties. It is not recommended to use blended limestone cement in case of sulfate attack. The use of limestone cement containing up to 25% limestone has insignificant effect on corrosion resistance before cracking.Abstract
In this study, properties of limestone cement concrete containing different replacement levels of limestone powder were examined. It includes 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% [...]
The main objective of this work was to improve the performance of biodiesel–methanol blends in a VCR engine by using optimized engine parameters. For optimization of the engine, operational parameters such as compression ratio, fuel blend, and load are taken as factors, whereas performance parameters such as brake thermal efficiency (Bth) and brake specific fuel consumption (Bsfc) and emission parameters such as carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), Nitric oxides (NOx) and smoke are taken as responses. Experimentation is carried out as per the design of experiments of the response surface methodology. Optimization of engine operational parameters is carried out using Derringers Desirability approach. From the results obtained it is inferred that the VCR engine has maximum performance and minimum emissions at 18 compression ratio, 5% fuel blend and at 9.03 kg of load. At this optimized operating conditions of the engine the responses such as brake thermal efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption, carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, and smoke are found to be 31.95%, 0.37 kg/kW h, 0.036%, 5 ppm, 531.23 ppm and 15.35% respectively. It is finally observed from the mathematical models and experimental data that biodiesel methanol blends have maximum efficiency and minimum emissions at optimized engine parameters.Abstract
The main objective of this work was to improve the performance of biodiesel–methanol blends in a VCR engine by using optimized engine parameters. For optimization of the [...]
Hall effects on an unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) free convective flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting optically thick radiating fluid past a vertical porous plate in the presence of a uniform transverse magnetic field are examined. The governing equations are solved numerically using the fourth-order Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method with the shooting technique. Effects of the pertinent parameters on the flow field, temperature distribution, shear stresses and rate of heat transfer at the plate are presented in graphs and tables followed by a quantitative discussion. The results reveal that the flow field and the temperature distribution are greatly influenced by thermal radiation parameter. Hall currents moderate the flow field significantly. Suction (or injection) has a profound effect on the boundary layer thickness in which the suction reduces the thermal boundary layer thickness whereas injection thickens it.Abstract
Hall effects on an unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) free convective flow of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting optically thick radiating fluid past a vertical [...]
This paper presents unsteady numerical results of double diffusive mixed convection flow in a trapezoidal enclosure with the uniform magnetic field effect applied in negative horizontal direction. At the bottom wall, the uniform and non-uniform heat and mass are applied while the heat and mass absorbed uniformly at the top wall. Other side walls are impermeable and adiabatic. The top wall moves along x-axis direction with a constant velocity. The transport phenomenon of this problem can be expressed by the coupled governing equation derived from the conservation of mass and momentum along with the energy equation for temperature and concentration. The finite element method (FEM) based on Galerkin weighted residual technique is used to compute the numerical result from these governing equations. The numerical computation is carried out for Lewis number (Le = 0.1–50) and Richardson’s number (Ri = 0.1–100). Computed numerical results of mass, temperature and velocity distribution are expressed graphically as iso-concentration lines, isotherm lines and streamlines respectively. Average Sherwood and Nusselt number values are used to show the mass and heat transfer rate from the heated and concentrated surface of the enclosure. It is found from the analysis that mass transfer strongly depends on Lewis number. Heat and mass transfer for uniformly heated and concentrated bottom wall is larger than the non-uniformly heated and concentrated bottom wall. Finally, a correlation has been done for average Nusselt and Sherwood numbers for both of the cases.Abstract
This paper presents unsteady numerical results of double diffusive mixed convection flow in a trapezoidal enclosure with the uniform magnetic field effect applied in negative [...]
In this article, the simultaneous effects of slip and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) on peristaltic blood flow of Jeffrey fluid model have been investigated in a non-uniform porous channel. The governing equation of blood flow for Jeffrey fluid model is solved with the help of long wavelength and creeping flow regime. The solution of the resulting differential equation is solved analytically and a closed form solution is presented. The impact of all the physical parameters is plotted for velocity profile and pressure rise. Nowadays, Magnetohydrodynamics is applicable in various magnetic drug targeting for cancer diseases and also very helpful to control the flow. The present analysis is also described for Newtonian fluid (λ1→0)(λ1→0) as a special case of our study. It is observed that magnitude of the velocity is opposite near the walls due to slip effects whereas similar behavior has been observed for magnetic field.Abstract
In this article, the simultaneous effects of slip and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) on peristaltic blood flow of Jeffrey fluid model have been investigated in a non-uniform porous [...]
An analysis of thermal boundary layer in the flow of Casson fluid over a permeable shrinking sheet with variable wall temperature and thermal radiation is made. Using similarity transformations, self-similar nonlinear ODEs are obtained from the governing equations. Dual exact solutions of transformed velocity and energy equations are obtained. From the plotted results it can be observed that the temperature inside the boundary layer decreases with Casson parameter and wall mass transfer parameter in first solution and it increases in second solution. Whereas, temperature decreases for larger values of Prandtl number, radiation parameter and power-law exponent for inverse variation along the sheet in both solutions and it enhances with power-law exponent for direct variation along the surface. Also, thermal boundary layer thickness reduces with stronger thermal radiation and inverse variation of wall temperature along the surface and it becomes thicker with direct variation of wall temperature. The rate of heat transfer is less with increasing values of power-law exponent for direct variation along the sheet and for inverse variation it is higher. In graphical representation of temperature field, temperature overshoot is observed in certain cases. So, in some situations heat absorption at surface occurs instead of heat transfer from surface.Abstract
An analysis of thermal boundary layer in the flow of Casson fluid over a permeable shrinking sheet with variable wall temperature and thermal radiation is made. Using similarity [...]
The aim of this contribution was to present a study based on the determination and the visualization of the structural deformations due to the contact of slipping between the disc and the pads. The results of the calculations of the contact described in this work relate to displacements, Von Mises stress on the disc, and contact pressures on the inner and outer pad at various moments of simulation. We first proceed to view the meshed models and predicting variations of tensile or compressive stress normal to the plane and shear stress in rotating disc and ring bodies. One precedes then the influence of some parameters on the computation results such as rotation of the disc, the smoothness of the mesh, the material of the brake pads and the friction coefficient entering the disc and the pads, the number of revolutions and the material of the disc, the pad groove.Abstract
The aim of this contribution was to present a study based on the determination and the visualization of the structural deformations due to the contact of slipping between [...]
A new attractive potential field function is proposed in this paper for manipulator trajectory planning. Existing attractive potential field constructs a global minimum through which maneuvering objects move down the gradient of the potential field toward this global minimum. The proposed method constructs a potential field with two minima. The purpose of these two minima is to create a dual attraction between links rather than affecting each link by the preceding one through kinematic constraints.Abstract
A new attractive potential field function is proposed in this paper for manipulator trajectory planning. Existing attractive potential field constructs a global minimum through [...]
Construction delays are a common phenomenon in civil engineering projects in Egypt including road construction projects. Therefore, it is essential to study and analyze causes of road construction delays. This paper studied a list of construction delay causes gathered from literature having different types of construction, different countries, different periods and different numbers of delay causes and delay groups. A questionnaire and personal interviews have formed the basis of this paper listing 293 delay causes. The questionnaire survey was distributed to 500 construction participants and 389 were received who represent consultants, contractors and site/design engineers excluding the owner representing the government in road projects as one party only. Relative Importance Index (RII) is calculated and according to the highest values the top twenty and the least twenty delay causes of construction projects in Egypt are determined. A case study is analyzed and compared to the most important delay causes in the paper. The test results reveal good correlation of causes and groups between contractors and site/design engineers and between consultants and site design engineers and a somewhat low correlation between contractors and consultants. So there are no root causes that can be taking for granted to be most or least effective delay causes. Proposed model for predicting actual road construction project duration was developed, a real case study tested the accuracy of proposed model. According to the analysis of case study, the most contributing causes and groups to delays were discussed, and some future recommendations were proposed in order to control and minimize delays in road construction projects. These findings can be helpful for project managers to mitigate the road construction delays in Egypt. In order to effectively overcome the road construction delays in developing countries, suggestions are made for fundamental and large‐scale reforms in procurement systems and stakeholders’ management. Also, this paper is useful for both researchers and road construction parties and allows detailed and repeatable analysis of the progress of a road construction project in order to facilitate and achieve a competitive level of time, cost and quality for effective road construction projects.Abstract
Construction delays are a common phenomenon in civil engineering projects in Egypt including road construction projects. Therefore, it is essential to study and analyze causes [...]
The objective of the present study was to investigate the partial slip effect on an unsteady two-dimensional mixed convection stagnation point flow towards a permeable shrinking sheet. The governing equations are reduced to a system of non-dimensional partial differential equations using a semi-similarity transformation, before being solved numerically by using Keller-box method. The features of the flow characteristics for different values of the governing parameters are analysed and discussed. The results indicate that the momentum, thermal and concentration boundary layer thicknesses increase with increasing mixed convection parameter for opposing flow, whereas the opposite effect is observed for assisting flow. The results also show that the surface velocity is higher when there is slip at a sheet compared to its absent. Further, the study indicates that the boundary layer thicknesses become thicker and thicker with increasing shrinking parameter, while the opposite effect is observed with increasing Hartmann number. Comparison with previously published work for special cases is performed and found to be in excellent agreement.Abstract
The objective of the present study was to investigate the partial slip effect on an unsteady two-dimensional mixed convection stagnation point flow towards a permeable shrinking [...]
The creeping motion of a rigid slip sphere in an unbounded couple stress fluid is investigated. The linear slip boundary condition and the vanishing couple stress condition are applied on the surface of the sphere. A simple formula for the drag force acting on a slip sphere translating in an unbounded couple stress fluid is obtained. Special cases of the deduced drag formula are concluded and compared with analogous results in the literature. The normalized drag force experienced by the fluid on the slip sphere is represented graphically and the effects of slip parameter and viscosity coefficients are discussed.Abstract
The creeping motion of a rigid slip sphere in an unbounded couple stress fluid is investigated. The linear slip boundary condition and the vanishing couple stress condition [...]
This article presents the effects of nonlinear thermal radiation and induced magnetic field on viscoelastic fluid flow toward a stagnation point. It is assumed that there exists a kind of chemical reaction between chemical species A and B. The diffusion coefficients of the two chemical species in the viscoelastic fluid flow are unequal. Since chemical species B is a catalyst at the horizontal surface, hence homogeneous and heterogeneous schemes are of the isothermal cubic autocatalytic reaction and first order reaction respectively. The transformed governing equations are solved numerically using Runge–Kutta integration scheme along with Newton’s method. Good agreement is obtained between present and published numerical results for a limiting case. The influence of some pertinent parameters on skin friction coefficient, local heat transfer rate, together with velocity, induced magnetic field, temperature, and concentration profiles is illustrated graphically and discussed. Based on all of these assumptions, results indicate that the effects of induced magnetic and viscoelastic parameters on velocity, transverse velocity and velocity of induced magnetic field are almost the same but opposite in nature. The strength of heterogeneous reaction parameter is very helpful to reduce the concentration of bulk fluid and increase the concentration of catalyst at the surface.Abstract
This article presents the effects of nonlinear thermal radiation and induced magnetic field on viscoelastic fluid flow toward a stagnation point. It is assumed that there [...]
This article presents the MHD flow and heat transfer of a couple stress fluid over oscillatory stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium in the presence of heat source/sink. The unsteady flow problem is reduced to two coupled partial differential equations using dimensionless variables. Homotopy analysis method is employed to obtain the solution of these equations. Based on the solution of these equations an extensive analysis is performed to investigate the effects of various flow parameters on velocity and temperature fields, skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number. It is found that the presence of couple stress in viscous fluid increases the amplitude of oscillations in velocity and skin friction coefficient. It is also noticed that temperature increases by increasing heat source parameter. Moreover, the numerical values of local Nusselt number are calculated and shown in tabular form. It is found that the Nusselt number increases by increasing Prandtl number while it decreases by increasing couple stress parameter.Abstract
This article presents the MHD flow and heat transfer of a couple stress fluid over oscillatory stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium in the presence of heat source/sink. [...]
Existing solutions of the problem of axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer on either a cylinder or a flat plate are for incompressible fluid. Here, fluid with viscosity proportional to a linear function of temperature is considered in the problem of an unaxisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of an infinite stationary cylinder with non-uniform normal transpiration U0(φ ) and constant heat flux. The impinging free-stream is steady and with a constant strain rate k¯. A reduction of Navier–Stokes and energy equations is obtained by use of appropriate similarity transformations. The semi-similar solution of the Navier–Stokes equations and energy equation has been obtained numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme. All the solutions aforesaid are presented for Reynolds numbers, Re=k¯a2/2υ∞, ranging from 0.01 to 100 for different values of Prandtl number and viscosity-variation parameter and for selected values of transpiration rate function, S(φ)=U0(φ)/k¯a, where a is cylinder radius and υ∞ is the reference kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Dimensionless shear-stresses corresponding to all the cases increase with the increase in Reynolds number and transpiration rate function while dimensionless shear stresses decrease with the increase in viscosity-variation parameter. The local coefficient of heat transfer (Nusselt number) increases with increasing the transpiration rate function and Prandtl number.Abstract
Existing solutions of the problem of axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer on either a cylinder or a flat plate are for incompressible fluid. Here, fluid with [...]
Corrosion inhibition and adsorption characteristics of elephant grass extracts on mild steel in 1 M HCl solution were investigated. Mass loss, corrosion rate measurements, inhibition efficiency, atomic adsorption spectroscopy (AAS), FT-IR spectroscopy and scanning electron spectroscopic analysis were used to assess the inhibitory properties of the extract in the acid solution. The results show that the steel dissolution rate in the acidic solution was sensitive to the extract concentration as mass loss and corrosion rates were observed to decrease with increase in the extract concentration. The inhibition efficiencies were averagely above 95% at room temperature increasing with increase in concentration of the extract but decreases with increasing temperature. FTIR results showed that the inhibition was essentially by absorption through the functional groups present in the extract while the activation energies and Langmuir adsorption isotherms confirm the mechanism to be physical adsorption. The SEM images of the corroded substrates confirmed pitting as the primary corrosion mechanism which was substantially mitigated with the use of the extract. Overall, the elephant grass extract was found to be efficient for corrosion inhibition of mild steel in HCl environment.Abstract
Corrosion inhibition and adsorption characteristics of elephant grass extracts on mild steel in 1 M HCl solution were investigated. Mass loss, corrosion rate measurements, [...]
In this paper, we generalize the time-varying descriptor systems to the case of fractional order in matrix forms. Moreover, we present the general exact solutions of the linear singular and non-singular matrix fractional time-varying descriptor systems with constant coefficient matrices in Caputo sense by using a new attractive method. Finally, two illustrated examples are also given to show our new approach.Abstract
In this paper, we generalize the time-varying descriptor systems to the case of fractional order in matrix forms. Moreover, we present the general exact solutions of the linear [...]
Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) principle is an important interdisciplinary field. One of the most important applications of this effect is pumping of materials that are hard to pump using conventional pumps. In this work, the progress achieved in this field is surveyed and organized according to the type of application. The literature of the past 27 years is searched for the major developments of MHD applications. MHD seawater thrusters are promising for a variety of applications requiring high flow rates and velocity. MHD molten metal pump is important replacement to conventional pumps because their moving parts cannot stand the molten metal temperature. MHD molten salt pump is used for nuclear reactor coolants due to its no-moving-parts feature. Nanofluid MHD pumping is a promising technology especially for bioapplications. Advantages of MHD include silence due to no-moving-parts propulsion. Much progress has been made, but with MHD pump still not suitable for wider applications, this remains a fertile area for future research.Abstract
Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) principle is an important interdisciplinary field. One of the most important applications of this effect is pumping of materials that are hard to [...]
Perturbation–iteration method is generalized for systems of first order differential equations. Approximate solutions of Lotka–Volterra systems are obtained using the method. Comparisons of our results with each other and with numerical solutions are given. The method is implemented in Mathematica, a major computer algebra system. The package PerturbationIteration.m automatically carries out the tedious calculations of the method.Abstract
Perturbation–iteration method is generalized for systems of first order differential equations. Approximate solutions of Lotka–Volterra systems are obtained using the [...]
Energy consumption in cold chains has been predicted to rise significantly in view of the increasing world population. Of critical attention is the increasing number of road transport refrigeration which is highly gaining enormous ground globally. In view of the fact that 40% of all foods require refrigeration, 15% of world fossil fuel energy is used in food transport refrigeration. This concern necessitates this study to examine cold chain system with the emphasis on the impact of energy consumption in sustaining the shelf life of fresh food. As the world continues to battle with the global warming occasioned by emission of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel, this study identifies alternative means of saving energy in food transportation system through minimizing energy consumption in diesel engine driven vapour compression system. Preserving perishable fresh food (mainly vegetable) under sub-zero weather is another debacle the authors envisaged in the quest to reduce fossil fuel consumption. This process requires heating the mechanical refrigeration unit in a reverse-cycle to raise the temperature at 0 °C which may further result in more energy demand. The conclusion drawn from this study could be useful in re-designing food transport system for optimal energy saving.Abstract
Energy consumption in cold chains has been predicted to rise significantly in view of the increasing world population. Of critical attention is the increasing number of road [...]
The present article investigates the squeezing flow of two types of nanofluids such as Cu-water and Cu-kerosene between two parallel plates in the presence of magnetic field. The governing non-linear partial differential equations are transformed into ordinary differential equations by applying suitable similarity transformation and then solved numerically using RK-4 method with shooting technique and analytically using differential transformation method (DTM). The influence of arising relevant parameters on flow characteristics has been discussed through graphs and tables. A comparative study has been taken into account between existing results and present work and it is found to be in excellent harmony.Abstract
The present article investigates the squeezing flow of two types of nanofluids such as Cu-water and Cu-kerosene between two parallel plates in the presence of magnetic field. [...]
Measurements of Global Positioning Satellite System receivers are affected by systematic offsets related to group and phase delays of the signal generation and processing chain. One of the important factors affecting the ionosphere Total Electron Content estimation accuracy is the hardware differential code biases inherited in both Global Positioning System satellites and receivers. The resulting code and phase biases depend on the transmission frequency and the employed signal modulation. An efficient algorithm using the geometry conditions between satellite and tracking receivers is proposed to determine the receiver differential code biases using Egyptian permanent reference stations. This method does not require a traditional single-layer ionosphere model and can be used for estimating differential code biases of receivers in a regional network. This paper estimates receiver differential code biases for nine receivers located within Egyptian network. The results showed that the estimated mean value of the receiver differential code biases varied from −28 ns (nanosecond) to 39 ns. It is clear from the results that differential code biases values for Egyptian sites do not vary much with latitude and longitude, except at Aswan and Abu Simpel. Differential code biases values increase gradually with increasing height.Abstract
Measurements of Global Positioning Satellite System receivers are affected by systematic offsets related to group and phase delays of the signal generation and processing [...]
A mathematical study is presented to analyze the nonlinear, non-isothermal, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) free convection boundary layer flow, heat and mass transfer of non-Newtonian Eyring–Powell fluid from a vertical surface in a non-Darcy, isotropic, homogenous porous medium, in the presence of Hall currents and ionslip currents. The governing nonlinear coupled partial differential equations for momentum conservation in the x, and z directions, heat and mass conservation, in the flow regime are transformed from an (x, y, z) coordinate system to a (ξ, η) coordinate system in terms of dimensionless x-direction velocity (f′) and z-direction velocity (G), dimensionless temperature and concentration functions (θ and ϕ) under appropriate boundary conditions. Both Darcian and Forchheimer porous impedances are incorporated in both momentum equations. Computations are also provided for the variation of the x and z direction shear stress components and also heat and mass transfer rates. It is observed that with increasing ɛ, primary velocity, secondary velocity, heat and mass transfer rates are decreased whereas, the temperature, concentration and skin friction are increased. An increasing δ is found to increase primary and secondary velocities, skin friction, heat and mass transfer rates. But the temperature and concentration decrease. Increasing βe and βi are seen to increase primary velocity, skin friction, heat and mass transfer rates whereas secondary velocity, temperature and concentration are decreased. Excellent correlation is achieved with a Nakamura tridiagonal finite difference scheme (NTM). The model finds applications in magnetic materials processing, MHD power generators and purification of crude oils.Abstract
A mathematical study is presented to analyze the nonlinear, non-isothermal, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) free convection boundary layer flow, heat and mass transfer of non-Newtonian [...]
Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Civil
Engineering, Environmental
Engineering, Marine