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El número 3 del Volumen 5 de la Acta de Investigación Psicológica incorpora artículos empíricamente rigurosos y teóricamente fundamentados. Se pueden dividir las contribuciones en varios grandes rubros, en el primero, aparecen 5 artículos con un énfasis psicométrico. Retana Franco & Sánchez Aragón presentan la validación de un instrumento para medir acoso cibernético; Serrano García, Ortega Andeane, Riveros Rosas & Reyes Lagunes trabajan sobre la adaptación de un cuestionario de satisfacción laboral; Saldívar Garduño y colaboradores desarrollan un inventario de roles de género y lo validan en varios ecosistemas distintos; Tomás, Oliver, Hontangas, Sancho & Galiana disertan en torno a la estabilidad y diferencias de género de una medida de autoestima, y Cruz-Martínez, Serralde Solórzano & Rivera trabajan sobre un inventario de efectividad gerencial. Cuatro artículos se insertan en el campo de las relaciones personales: Nieto &. Koller cubren diversos aspectos de niños y adolescentes es situación de calle; Brown,. Homa, Cook, Nadimi & Cummings trabajan sobre preferencias artísticas y la aceptación o rechazo parental; Jaen Cortés, Rivera Aragón, Amorin de Castro & Rivera Rivera tratan el complejo proceso de violencia en la pareja; y Peña Fernández & Reild Martínez vinculan las emociones con la conducta alimentaria. El último trabajo con una orientación bio-psicológica es presentado por Orozco Calderón cubriendo temperamento y carácter de practicantes de un arte marcial. Como en ediciones anteriores, quiero externar mi profundo agradecimiento a los investigadores que confieren en la revista su confianza al enviarnos sus valiosas aportaciones al conocimiento del comportamiento humano.
Number 3 of volume 6 of Psychological Research records incorporates a number original research articles that deal with a wide breath of conceptual issues in a systematic and rigorous fashion. Contributions can be divided into several major categories, two papers deal with psychometric aspects of measures of the sense of community in ones neighborhood and over claims of self maiming. A second category refers to research on basic processes as it is the case of the study on the facial recognition of emotional expressions, and the creation of a structural model of intrinsic motivation and, finally, a study of authoritarianism and its impact on different expressions of prejudice. With an orientation toward research with applied implications, a study of school anxiety and self-concept in adolescents and research project dealing with a macro-social diagnosis of risks of drug use. Finally, with an emphasis on social phenomena, research on the conceptualization and analysis of happiness, its frequency versus its intensity, and the study of individualism and collectivism are published in this issue. As in previous editions, I extend gratitude to the researchers that confer in the magazine their trust to submit their valuable contributions to the knowledge of human behavior, and especially to the reviewers of submitted papers, whos comments, suggestions and evaluations ensure the quality of the published work.

Revision as of 10:18, 28 March 2017

Number 3 of volume 6 of Psychological Research records incorporates a number original research articles that deal with a wide breath of conceptual issues in a systematic and rigorous fashion. Contributions can be divided into several major categories, two papers deal with psychometric aspects of measures of the sense of community in ones neighborhood and over claims of self maiming. A second category refers to research on basic processes as it is the case of the study on the facial recognition of emotional expressions, and the creation of a structural model of intrinsic motivation and, finally, a study of authoritarianism and its impact on different expressions of prejudice. With an orientation toward research with applied implications, a study of school anxiety and self-concept in adolescents and research project dealing with a macro-social diagnosis of risks of drug use. Finally, with an emphasis on social phenomena, research on the conceptualization and analysis of happiness, its frequency versus its intensity, and the study of individualism and collectivism are published in this issue. As in previous editions, I extend gratitude to the researchers that confer in the magazine their trust to submit their valuable contributions to the knowledge of human behavior, and especially to the reviewers of submitted papers, whos comments, suggestions and evaluations ensure the quality of the published work.

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Published on 28/03/17

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